March 10, 2020

Financial Keys Response to Coronavirus


Financial Keys


In relation to the outbreak of the Coronavirus, we have introduced an infection control measure with the aim of keeping staff and clients safe.

In relation to the outbreak of the Coronavirus, we have introduced an infection control measure with the aim of keeping staff and clients safe.

Of course, we want to remain available to all clients, especially during periods of market volatility and this includes having face to face meetings where preferred. However, where possible we have moved meetings to be held via phone or skype/video. Several clients have actually preferred this as they do not need to travel into the city and use public transport.

Where an in-person meeting is preferred, we have provided hand sanitiser gel at reception and will ask all visitors to our office to use this gel upon entry.

If you have an appointment and have recently returned from travel (within the last 2 weeks) or feel unwell, we ask that you not attend our office. We will endeavour to re-arrange the meeting via phone, skype/video, or defer until you are well again.

We have asked our staff to take the same approach. If staff feel unwell, we have asked them not to attend the office. Any staff that are travelling overseas will be self-quarantined and working from home for a period of 2 weeks from their return date. We will wash our hands between every client meeting.

We have also increased the frequency of wiping down various surfaces in the office including door handles, tables, chairs, and the reception counter in order to sanitise all passive surfaces. We will refrain from shaking your hand on entry and ask that you do the same.

We hope these measures will ensure our office is a safe place to work or visit. We will update you should any of these measures change.

Thanks for your understanding,

From the Financial Keys team.

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